An acquisition unfolds when a company buys another, securing either a controlling interest or the entire entity. This corporate maneuver falls into one of two categories: a friendly acquisition or a hostile takeover.
Classification of Acquisitions
- Hostile Takeover: This scenario unfolds without the approval of the company being acquired. The acquiring entity purchases a significant share of the target company’s stock to gain control, often against the target management’s wishes.
- Friendly Acquisition: This type of acquisition is marked by an agreement between both companies on the acquisition terms. It’s a cooperative approach, typically involving negotiations that aim to benefit both parties involved.
Strategic Intentions and Execution Methods
The primary motive behind acquisitions is to bolster a company’s growth trajectory. The target company might possess unique assets, technologies, customer segments, or market positions that the acquiring company desires but prefers not to develop from scratch. These transactions are usually financed through cash, shares in the acquiring company, or a blend of both, offering a versatile toolkit for strategic enhancement.
Illustrative Example
Take, for example, the acquisition of Whole Foods by Amazon in 2017. Amazon purchased Whole Foods for $13.7 billion, integrating the grocery chain into its vast e-commerce and retail ecosystem. This acquisition is a classic case of a friendly takeover, where Whole Foods was able to expand its reach through Amazon’s global platform, while Amazon gained a strong foothold in the brick-and-mortar grocery sector.
Mergers vs. Acquisitions
Though acquisitions involve one company absorbing another, mergers represent a mutual decision to join forces as equals. It’s important to differentiate between the two in corporate strategy discussions. Both tactics aim to create synergy, making the combined entity more valuable than its separate parts. Through mergers and acquisitions (M&A), companies pursue market dominance, diversification, and growth.